
Shift Linux 0.5 RC2介绍及下载(图)

Shift Linux是由Neowin社团创建的项目。它基于Debian GNU/Linux和Morphix Linux,并包含像其他Debian发行一样的所有软件和应用。Neowin的Shift Linux被设计为要向用户提供“属于Neowin社团一部分”的这样一种体验,并提供一张简单、易于使用的自启动运行光盘,它同时也能安装到硬盘上。Shift是基于公用许可证发布的免费发行。它可以被自由地发布或修改。

The second release candidate of Shift Linux 0.5, a Debian-based distribution developed by the Neowin.net community, has been released: “Shift Linux is a project that was created by the Neowin community. Shift Linux 0.5 (RC-2) includes three fully branded editions: KDE, GNOME, and Fluxbox, all live CDs. Included in this version are most of the most popular packages to include wireless support and a desktop installer.” Compared to the first release candidate, the following new packages and features were added: “K3b, Rhythmbox, Bluetooth support, HP printer drivers, power management and laptop detection; NTFS read and write support; Envy; new branding; extremely fast… you’ll forget it’s a CD in 5 minutes. Feel free to download and try our newest release.” Read the full release announcement(http://www.shiftlinux.net/index.php?page=newsdetail&newsid=49)for further information. Download the CD images(http://tracker.ste-roberts.be/) via BitTorrent: shiftflux-rc2.iso (http://tracker.ste-roberts.be/torrents/shiftflux-rc2.iso.torrent)(462MB), shiftgnome-rc2.iso(http://tracker.ste-roberts.be/torrents/shiftgnome-rc2.iso.torrent) (574MB), shiftkde-rc2.iso(http://tracker.ste-roberts.be/torrents/shiftkde-rc2.iso.torrent) (602MB).

Shift Linux 0.5 RC2介绍及下载(图)

Shift Linux 0.5 RC2介绍及下载(图)

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