
Compiz Fusion 0.6.0 昨发布

Compiz Fusion 0.6.0 昨发布

Compiz Fusion 的开发团队终于在今天发布了 Compiz Fusion 的第一个稳定版本 0.6.0。Compiz Fusion 0.6.0 基于 Compiz Core,其中不仅添加了许多新特性,而且修正了很多 bug


Compiz 插件集目前已分割成 Compiz-Fusion-Plugins-Main、Compiz-Fusion-Plugins-Extra 和 Compiz-Fusion-Plugins-Unsupported 三个包。

Compiz Fusion is the result of the re-unification of the Beryl-project and the community around the Compiz Window Manager. It seeks to provide an easy and fun-to-use windowing environment, allowing use of the graphics hardware to provide impressive effects, amazing speed and unrivalled usefulness. The first Compiz Fusion developer release was Compiz Fusion 0.5.2 on August 13th 2007, shortly after Compiz 0.5.2 was released.

Compiz Fusion, as well as Compiz, is an open-source software project, meaning anyone can use it and contribute to it freely.

It is important to note that Compiz and Compiz Fusion are not the same thing (see: Compiz Fusion Vs Compiz). Shortly said: Compiz Fusion is a community-driven extension pack for Compiz. There is close co-operation between the developers of Compiz and the developers of Compiz Fusion, though; in fact, many Compiz Fusion developers are also Compiz developers.

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