大家都知道微软喜欢给预装Windows的PC贴认证标志,无论是Windows 95/98还是最新的Vista,并且有些OEM的机器上还贴有COA.
使用Linux的用户就没有这个待遇了,不过作为狂热的Ubuntu标签党们怎么肯罢休呢,国外的爱好者就自己做了一个像模像样的Ubuntu COA,比较有趣的是它的KEY,:474E5-52F4C-494E5-55801竟然是”GNU/LINUX”文字的HEX.看上去很棒,Ubuntu的爱好者有没有兴趣贴一个?
The barcode matches the value of the key, which is the HEX value of “GNU/LINUX”, but I had to add ’01’ to the end of the key for the number of figures to balance out.
It’s released under the GNU GPL, so feel free to copy/edit/redistribute it under the terms listed in the license, and don’t forget to leave comments!
Feel free to print it and stick it to your laptop, desktop, server, toaster, cat (etc).—bonus points if you include pictures.
Edit: Tiny edit, fixed some spacing issues between barcode and small Ubuntu logo.