

希捷最新推出的新硬盘Free Agent系列与开源操作系统Linux不兼容。Free Agent系列移动硬盘预先被格式化为NTFS格式,这对Linux用户来说并非是大问题,Linux新内核已经能够读NTFS文件格式,问题存在于“节能(power saving)”调节开关上。当硬盘停止使用几分钟后,节能调节开关就会自动关闭和降低USB连接标准。当硬盘重新使用时,一开始的速度将是USB1,这显然有利于保护硬盘。节能设置在Windows下没问题,但在Linux和Mac下却都无效。希捷的技术支持建议更新驱动,可最新的驱动却又不支持Linux。这里有一个解决方案。

We got some Seagate FreeAgent pro drives at work, and they have an annoying tendency to spin themselves down under linux, causing linux to give up on the drive and disconnect the device.

bbobbo on neweggs product review had a suggestion to fix this problem.

However I found that the sdparm command would fail if the drive was already idled.

# the drive reports something like this
$ sudo sdparm -a /dev/sde
    /dev/sde: Seagate   FreeAgent Pro  400A
Power condition mode page:
  IDLE        0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
  STANDBY     1  [cha: y, def:  1, sav:  1]
  ICT         0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
  SCT       9000  [cha: y, def:9000, sav:9000]
# when the drive was idled I got the following error message.
$ sudo sdparm –clear STANDBY -6 /dev/sde
    /dev/sde: Seagate   FreeAgent Pro  400A
change_mode_page: failed setting page: Power condition
# this appears to force the drive to start
$ sudo sdparm –command=start /dev/sde
# and now this command works
$ sudo sdparm –clear STANDBY -6 /dev/sde
$ sudo sdparm -a /dev/sde
    /dev/sde: Seagate   FreeAgent Pro  400A
Power condition mode page:
  IDLE        0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
  STANDBY     0  [cha: n, def:  1, sav:  0]
  ICT         0  [cha: n, def:  0, sav:  0]
  SCT         0  [cha: n, def:9000, sav:  0]

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