Ubuntu发行版真是变化多端:起初,因为KDE 4发布日期捉摸不定,Kubuntu 8.04不包括KDE 4;后来Ubuntu开始制定8.04的特性时,KDE 4又再度被奈入Kubuntu中。
现在,最新消息,Kubuntu依旧会将KDE 4包括在内,但它不再是LTS(长期支持)版。
KDE 4将于2008年1月11日正式发布,而Ubuntu 8.04将于2008年4月24日发布。
因而Ubuntu有足够时间让KDE 4稳定地集成进Kubuntu中。作为一个承接KDE 3/4的重要发行版,Kubuntu 8.04将给用户选择的机会──你可以选择继续使用KDE 3,或者使用新的KDE 4。
之前Kubuntu 6.06的用户将直接可以升级至Kubuntu 8.04(KDE 3)。而需要尝新的用户,可以选择直接安装Kubuntu 8.04(KDE 4版)。
因为有这些选择性,Kubuntu 8.04不再作为一个长时间支持版了。它将与普通发行版一样,有18个月的支持时间。
The release schedule for KDE 4 is now clear, and it will be released
during the development cycle of KUbuntu 8.04. This new major release
is already attracting significant interest from users, and is the
focus of most KDE developer effort at this point. The majority of
enquiries are now about KDE 4, and an unsupported Live CD of the 7.10
platform with KDE 4 RC2 we released earlier this month was downloaded
by a significant number of developers.
We regularly review each release during the development cycle, keeping
an eye on the work that our upstreams are doing. From time to time,
this work reaches a natural rest point resulting in a particularly
stable release. For these releases, Canonical makes a commercial
commitment to provide support for a longer term and these become known
as “LTS” releases.
Since KDE 4 is a major change to the platform, it is not currently at
one of these natural rest points so would not be suitable for long
term support. Instead, due to the very high interest, development
efforts will be directed towards KDE 4 and releasing Kubuntu 8.04 with
the option of using either KDE 3.5 or KDE 4.
Users currently running Kubuntu 6.06 will be able to upgrade through
the usual path to Kubuntu 8.04, keeping to the KDE 3.5 release series,
and will receive the usual 18 months of support for that
release. Future Kubuntu releases are likely to be based on the KDE 4