

Linux is a free use and the spread of free UNIX-like operating system, mainly for the series based on the Intel x86 CPU computer. Linux systems throughout the world by the hundreds of thousands of programmers design and implementation, and its aim is to establish free from any commercialization of the software by copyright constraints, the whole world can be freely used by the UNIX-compatible products. Windows mainly for the same series based on the Intel x86 CPU computer. In this paper, they make a comparison.  

Linux是免费使用和传播免费的UNIX类操作系统,主要用于系列基于英特尔x86处理器的计算机。 Linux系统在整个世界是由成千上万的程序员设计和实施,其目的是建立不受任何商品化软件的版权制约,对整个世界,可以自由使用的Unix兼容产品。窗口主要是为同一系列基于英特尔x86处理器的计算机。在本文中,他们做出一个比较。

(A) Programming chapter

People used to think that the general Linux Linus is the creator of the Linux contains thousands of documents, there is a document called Credits of the major Linux Hacker their name and e-mail address (this list includes more than 100 names, all over the world have), but no one Shuideiqing How many people are involved in the Linux improvements. This game today and with the passage of time does not stop, but on the contrary, because of the growing popularity of Linux and the high number of enthusiasts. So start using Linux on like a master like clouds joined the programming organization. You can understand through the Internet at any time from the Earth to a corner of the latest developments in the field; If your English good enough, join a forum, I wonder if you can be what God from the master of the direction. Since the existence of GPL, you can be open source code, thus not worrying about the source of learning materials. With the involvement of more specialized companies, Linux development tools can be provided by the more powerful features. TurboLinux on as a powerful application development environment, offers a variety of application development tools, such as with the multilingual: C, C + +, Java, Perl, Tcl / tk, Python and Fortran 77 compiler / interpreter , as well as integrated development environment, debugging, and other development tools. Again Janus Software development company called Linux version of the Phoenix Object Basic VB, it is a unique object-oriented Linux RAD (Rapid Application Development, rapid application development tool). It combines Python and Perl, such as object-oriented programming language capabilities, and to provide a similar Visual Basic’s ease of use. Familiar with the Windows environment, Visual Basic programming can be successfully used Phoenix Object Basic. LynuxWorks companies can VisualLynux and Microsoft Visual C + + comparable, it integrates Microsoft Visual C + + development tools to support the Linux operating system products, it’s not only compatible with LynuxWorks BlueCat Linux, but also is compatible with other versions of Linux 2.2.12. LynuxWorks even claimed that the company from Visual C + + on with the development of embedded Linux application programs. Embedded Linux System now quite popular, has been widely used in a wide range of communications infrastructure products. Linux can be completed any of the programming tasks under Windows. This one, LINUX prevailed.

(B) operating platform chapter

IT technology in this rapidly changing era, although each Rangzhao IT vendors have their products can effectively reduce our TCO (total cost of ownership), our hands or equipment depreciation rate in the accelerating. If you Kenting me, I would say that this world has never been the savior, or try the Linux I recommend it.  

Linux is very small, could make effective use of hardware. Linux installation requires only the minimum 4 MB of memory, and you can also your Linux installed on 486 machines and used as a firewall or its Web server. I remember that the Linux Forum was established by the secondary 386 router and firewall. Linux kernel allowing the run-time loading and unloading hardware drivers. All this because without loading drivers, we can maximize the use of memory. In short the old Linux machine can be reborn and save our money. And Windows2000 SERVER in the P166 M +64 run as slow as a snail’s pace, and sometimes you will Bifeng. This one, LINUX prevailed.  

       (3) hardware support articles

As the characteristics of open-source LINUX by AMD and INTEL companies concerned. Because both companies are in the hope that the era of 64-bit chips to the open-source operating system and the system closely linked LINUX urgent fast pace of development, from its core can be seen. LINUX than other operating systems more responsive to the development of chip technology. LINUX in the General Assembly in 2001, IBM brought to the production of e-commerce suites LINUX WEBSHERE COMMERCE 5.1, HP LINUX bring to the production of e-commerce suites HP SECURE OS SOFTWARE FOR Linux. LINUX can be widely now running in 64-bit chip architecture, including Compaq Alpha, SGI MIPS, Sun UltraSparc. WINDOWS and backward step. The latest Linux kernel – 2. .52 Version of the most noteworthy improvement is Iinux core support for the latest usB technology. UsB 2.0 can ensure that the data transmission speed of 480 Mb / s, the maximum speed is usBl.1 transmission speed 40 times. UsB 2.0 module generally does not have built-in computer systems. Now more prevalent is the use of standards to achieve high-speed Firewire connectivity, such as linking the first video, hard drive and so on. Microsoft has prepared a support usB 2.0 “code, but in the latest windows xP in the operating system does not support USB 2.0. This one, LINUX prevailed.

(4) Network chapter

Linux’s networking capability is powerful, its TCP / IP code is the most senior. Linux provides for the current TCP / IP protocol support for the complete, and includes the next-generation Internet. Ipv6 support for the agreement. Linux kernel also includes a firewall code IP, IP security, IP service quality control and many safety features. These features can be and such companies as Cisco provided by the characteristics of the high-end routing equipment comparable. In addition, the use of the Samba RedHat Linux (RedHat Linux is not unique), Linux as a Windows client can print and file servers can also be used for the NT file and print server. Use Linux contains AppleTalk module, or even Linux can be used as a Macintosh client’s file and print server. Let Apache, the world’s most extensive scope of application of the Web server software running on Linux, you can run on their own Intranet or Internet web servers. Linux also includes a Ftp service procedures, a transfer agent, as well as e-mail, POP and IMAP e-mail service procedures. If you prefer, you can also get a free on the Internet of Linux LDAP service procedures. Maria’s performance is stable server APACHE many network administrators choose LINUX reasons if we do not have the opportunity to choose UNIX, LINUX is a good choice, Microsoft’s IIS is not with unmatched. This one, LINUX prevailed.

(5) the ability chapter UNIX

Linux for a vast number of users in the home study and use the Unix operating system opportunities. Although Linux is developed by the computer enthusiasts, but in many respects it is fairly stable, so as to the current user learn and use the world’s most popular Unix operating system providing cheap opportunities. There are many CD-ROM vendors and software companies (such as RedHat and TurboLinux) supporting the Linux operating system. Linux in a Unix system on a personal computer substitutes, and those who can be used as a substitute for more expensive systems. Therefore, if a user work time in the company in the Unix system programming, or in the workplace is a Unix system administrator, he can be in the home installation of a Unix-compatible systems, Linux systems, Linux use at home will be able to complete some tasks.  

This one, LINUX prevailed.

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