本站提供的Wine-Doors是deb包,安装好后一下在给振住了:在更新好后,竟然可以安装如此多的软件和游戏从IE6.0 flash 到WAR3,而且只需依此在列表中点击一下install就可以批量自动下载安装了。
Wine-doors is an application designed to make installing windows software on Linux, Solaris or other Unix systems easier. Wine-doors is essentially a package management tool for windows software on Linux systems. Most Linux desktop users are familiar with package management style application delivery, so it made sense to apply this model to windows software.
用的还是Wine,就是多了个方便的配置安装程序而已,超级好用。不会加QQ 690454577
我选择了安装IE6.0 FLASH 8 Dreamweaver