
Skype 2.0 面向 Linux 版已经发布了

Skype 2.0 面向 Linux 版已经发布了
Skype 2.0

Skype 近期已经发布了面向 Linux 平台的 2.0 的正式版本。Skype 2.0 的确切版本号应该为,大家都知道,在 Skype 2.0 中主要添加了视频聊天功能。除此之外,该版本还改善了语音质量和易用性,并修正了大量已知的 bug。 Skype 2.0 的详细更改记录请看下一页。

Skype 2.0 除了支持英文,还支持简繁体中文等 20 多种语言,提供了包括 Ubuntu、Fedora、Debian、Xandros、Mandriva、OpenSUSE、CentOS 等在内的 Linux 发行版的二进制包。大家可以从下面的连接下载 Skype 2.0最新版。


Skype 2.0
* 13.03.2008, version

feature: Add call cost per minute to 1:1 SkypeOut calls.

feature: Add UI detection of Slovak, Farsi (Persian) and Vietnamese language files.

feature: Added privacy option to disable the sending of the number of contacts you have to your contacts.

feature: Implement HashLinkURL to provide easy links to #12345 references in chats.

feature: Shadows on user avatars on contact card.

feature: Show an indicator when the user is on an embedded device such as a Skype phone.

feature API: BTN_PRESSED/BTN_RELEASED are now implemented.

feature API: SEARCH ACTIVECHATS is now implemented.

bugfix: 1:1 chats should not have Leave Chat button.

bugfix: Add a blinking window effect for some windows which are already open when we get a new chat message.

bugfix: Add a workaround for a KWin issue preventing closed minimized chats from being reopened.

bugfix: Add bubbles from mood message to avatars on contact card.

bugfix: Add right-click context menu to chat window for copying text/links.

bugfix: Avoid status text being truncated on status button in profile editor.

bugfix: BTN_PRESSED YES should activate Call functionality regardless of double-click action.

bugfix: Be sure the chat window doesn’t reappear after we leave the chat.

bugfix: Call Ringing sound shouldn’t be audible during Do Not Disturb status mode.

bugfix: Can’t add a contact to a chat using drag and drop.

bugfix: Change Call Hold/Resume button at the correct times (even when changing hold/resume during fullscreen video)

bugfix: Change file transfer filename to saved filename if different from original filename in transfer window.

bugfix: Compare chats in recent chats/etc menus correctly to check if they are unread.

bugfix: Contacts shouldn’t disappear when they’re moved between columns when receiving contacts.

bugfix: Copy URLs to both X selection and Clipboard, as users may want to middle-click the copied link into their browser.

bugfix: Crash after 2 minutes of signing in if we are signed out at that time.

bugfix: Crash after signing in with incorrect details after signing out.

bugfix: Display video in full-screen at correct aspect ratio regardless of monitor dimensions.

bugfix: Do not always put new chat windows at top left corner if no previous setting found, let window manager determine position.

bugfix: Do not freeze when opening options dialog

bugfix: Do not initialise /dev/video0 whenever we start a video call (could prevent video from working when video0 fails)

bugfix: Do not instantly close Voicemail events when clicking the play button in new events panel.

bugfix: Do not let Voicemail messages continue to play in the background after closing them.

bugfix: Do not show authorisation options in context menu for events if we already authorised the user.

bugfix: Do not unnecessarily init device twice when starting video (speeds up video init by 50%)

bugfix: Downscaling for Myself View / Oversized Video on X11 (non-accelerated).

bugfix: echo123 should be called Skype Test Call and should not have an ‘Request Authorization’ option.

bugfix: Ending an incoming conference call should be allowed to redirect to Voicemail also.

bugfix: Escape should close send contacts window before we attempt to send contacts.

bugfix: Fix for chat being stuck in unread state in certain cases.

bugfix: Fix for video output when not using XShm extension.

bugfix: Fix locking up the client for up to 30 seconds randomly sometimes for heavy Skype users.

bugfix: If main window is thinner than login window and right-aligned, it would move to the left after restart.

bugfix: Incoming calls should be redirected to Voicemail if configured to do so and another call is active.

bugfix: Make ‘Invite selected contacts to conference call’ option work in contact list multiple selections menu.

bugfix: Make contact list even more responsive whilst loading historical calls.

bugfix: Make login/startup much faster and cleaner.

bugfix: Make missed event text for birthdays clearer.

bugfix: Many bugfixes to video in call window to handle window updates during paused video calls.

bugfix: Only move main window if we have a previously saved position.

bugfix: Only play chat message sent sound for actual sent messages and emotive actions.

bugfix: Properly remember unread chats as unread after a Skype restart.

bugfix: Receive Contacts should close when Escape is pressed.

bugfix: Remember ‘Show Myself View’ setting during the video call (when switching to fullscreen and back, etc).

bugfix: Remember chat splitter arrangement per user for 1:1 chats.

bugfix: Remember chat window position per user for 1:1 chats.

bugfix: Remember show/hide chat member list setting per user for 1:1 chats.

bugfix: Remove grey contact card background.

bugfix: Reordered Voicemail Options dialog to keep individual Voicemail features independent.

bugfix: Send Contacts should cancel and/or close when Escape is pressed.

bugfix: Shortened SkypeIn and SkypeOut call error messages.

bugfix: Shrink myself view so it scales better on Xv and properly on X11.

bugfix: Starting a conference call with a MySpace contact would result in a single call being made to ‘myspace’.

bugfix: Stop window from moving lower and lower on each restart.

bugfix: Update chat window area size correctly after clearing to avoid mystery scrollbar returning.

bugfix: Video call window is out of shape if the contact has a really long name.

bugfix API: SET CHATMESSAGE [id] SEEN should remove now-read chats from events panel.

All localizations updated: Bulgarian – Nikolina Filipova and Nikolay Filipov, Simplified Chinese – Asus, Traditional Chinese – Asus, German – Claudius Henrichs, Estonian – Eve Loopere, French – Cédric Lamouche, Italian – Vincenzo Reale & Marco Cimmino, Japanese – Asus, Korean – Asus, Latvian- Intars Students, Lithuanian -Viktoras Kriukovas, Polish – Karol Szastok, Portuguese Portugal – Gustavo Adolfo Silva Ribeiro Felisberto, Brazilian Portuguese -Asus, Romanian – Peter Henning, Russian – Pavel Shevchuk, Spanish – Asus & Carlos Johnson, Thai – Asus, Turkish – ?mer Emin Dede

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