
Ubuntu Netbook Remix来了![图文]

Mark Shuttleworth兑现了他的承诺,Ubuntu已经开始着手于桌面PC以外的市场了。Ubuntu Netbook Remix来了!

Ubuntu Netbook Remix,专门针对于便携式笔记本设计,也就是像EEE PC一样的电脑。Ubuntu Netbook Remix基于GNOME桌面环境,但是另外设计了一个新的用户界面(定制化的Ubuntu Mobile Edition),这个界面将代替桌面,进行应用程序和启动和一些系统操作。如下图

我想用习惯了普通桌面的朋友会觉得很怪,因为Netbook Remix会将启动的应用程序强制最大化,屏幕上只能同时显示一个主窗体。这就导致了GIMP在上面的奇怪布局。

当然因为Netbook Remix还在开发当中,相信等正式发布时,一切都会解决。


Installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix on Ubuntu Hardy 8.04

You may have heard of “Ubuntu Netbook Remix”, a special edition of Ubuntu for so called “netbooks”, which was showcased by Canonical at Computex.

A quick search revealed, that at this time it seems there isn’t any kind of installation ISO or VirtualBox image of Netbook Remix available.

Fortunately, the Ubuntu Netbook Remix Team offers a Personal Package Archive (PPA) of their great work.

A word of warning about installation: The Ubuntu Netbook Remix packages change a lot of settings on Ubuntu Hardy, including session files and Nautilus setup. So DO NOT install the packages on your regular desktop. It might be a good idea to install a Ubuntu Hardy VirtualBox image and use it to add Ubuntu Netbook Remix package to the default desktop.

After you prepared a virtual machine, installation if fairly easy:

1) Add the PPA to your sources list:

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/netbook-remix-team/ubuntu hardy main
http://ppa.launchpad.net/netbook-remix-team/ubuntu hardy main

2) Update your system and install Ubuntu Netbook Remix:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install go-home-applet human-netbook-theme maximus ume-launcher window-picker-applet

3) After installation, you need to restart gdm:

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

You should now see a running UME-Launcher

Netbook Remix running on 800x600

If your theme didn’t change automatically, please check your appearance settings. There’s a new “human netbook theme” available.

Netbook Remix and Firefox running on 800x600

There are still some graphical issues with the Netbook desktop, but it’s usable right now.

Netbook Remix running on 1024x768

It seems code for Netbook Remix is available at Launchpad.net.

I guess Netbook Remix will come with it’s own installation ISO’s and a lot of changes regarding the boot process and software selection, compared to the “common” Ubuntu Hardy Heron. But the Netbook Remix PPA offers a glimpse at current development.

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