
Linux Ubuntu 下ror开发ide gedit


听说Textmate不错,可惜是Mac下面的编辑器。突然看到有一篇文章介绍Linux Ubuntu下gedit也可以达到类似的效果。先看看吧。

Textmate-like Gedit in few steps

UPDATE: A !! new version !! of this guide is avalaible.

感觉还不错。下面还有很多插件哦。 www.linuxidc.com

Snippets: it permits to call structures of code easly and everytime you press TAB the cursor automatically jumps to the right position
Snap Open: it opens the files that contains the word you are typing

File Browser: a treeview of the files in the current directory
Word completion: it complete the word while you are typing and with TAB you select it

Class Browser: a list with all the methods in the current file
Quick Highlight Mode: very useful to specify quickly the syntax mode

Interesting resources

All the plugins are avalaible from the GNOME Wiki.
If you want User-defined syntax color, snippets, .. you can download them from here

UPDATE: My color scheme is here (It’s ONLY for gedit 2.18.x), uncompress it in $HOME/.gconf/apps/gedit-2/preferences/syntax_highlighting  and restart  the session. Be sure that the folder exists and that your previos files are  overwritten.

插件下载地址 http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins

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