
Fedroa 14 安装JasperServer 4.0.1

#yum install libpk-gtk-module.so
#yum install libcanberra-gtk-module.so
#yum install libgnomebreakpad.so

#yum install im-ibus.so


# scim -d


Linux信息代码  收藏代码

  1. [root@sheng ~]# scim -d  
  2. Smart Common Input Method 1.4 . 4   
  4. Launching a SCIM process with x11…  
  5. Loading socket Config module …  
  6. Creating backend …  
  7. Loading x11 FrontEnd module …  
  8. Failed to load x11 FrontEnd module.  
  9. Failed to launch SCIM.  
  10. [root@sheng ~]#   
[root@sheng ~]# scim -d
Smart Common Input Method 1.4.4

Launching a SCIM process with x11…
Loading socket Config module …
Creating backend …
Loading x11 FrontEnd module …
Failed to load x11 FrontEnd module.
Failed to launch SCIM.
[root@sheng ~]#

很自然地上网去搜一下“Failed to load x11 FrontEnd module.”,发现有很多人遇到这个问题,但没找到有效的解决办法。用

# ps -ef | grep scim


Linux信息代码  收藏代码

  1. [root@sheng ~]# ps -ef | grep scim  
  2. root      4706       1    0   13 : 59  ?         00 : 00 : 00  /usr/lib/scim- 1.0 /scim-launcher -d -c simple -e all -f socket –no-stay  
  3. root      4710       1    0   13 : 59  ?         00 : 00 : 00  /usr/lib/scim- 1.0 /scim-helper-manager  
  4. root      4711       1    0   13 : 59  ?         00 : 00 : 01  /usr/lib/scim- 1.0 /scim-panel-gtk –display : 0.0  -c socket -d –no-stay  
  5. root      4713       1    0   13 : 59  ?         00 : 00 : 00  /usr/lib/scim- 1.0 /scim-launcher -d -c socket -e socket -f x11  
  6. root      4779       1    0   14 : 01  ?         00 : 00 : 00  scim-bridge  
  7. root      5349    5275    0   14 : 10  pts/ 2      00 : 00 : 00  grep scim  
[root@sheng ~]# ps -ef | grep scim
root 4706 1 0 13:59 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-launcher -d -c simple -e all -f socket –no-stay
root 4710 1 0 13:59 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-helper-manager
root 4711 1 0 13:59 ? 00:00:01 /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-panel-gtk –display :0.0 -c socket -d –no-stay
root 4713 1 0 13:59 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/scim-1.0/scim-launcher -d -c socket -e socket -f x11
root 4779 1 0 14:01 ? 00:00:00 scim-bridge
root 5349 5275 0 14:10 pts/2 00:00:00 grep scim


Linux信息代码  收藏代码

  1. [root@sheng ~]# scim -d  
  2. Smart Common Input Method 1.4 . 4   
  4. Launching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd…  
  5. Loading simple Config module …  
  6. Creating backend …  
  7. Reading pinyin phrase lib failed  
  8. Loading socket FrontEnd module …  
  9. Starting SCIM as daemon …  
  10. Launching a SCIM process with x11…  
  11. Loading socket Config module …  
  12. Creating backend …  
  13. Loading x11 FrontEnd module …  
  14. GTK Panel of SCIM 1.4 . 4   
  16. Starting SCIM as daemon …  
  17. SCIM has been successfully launched.  
  18. [root@sheng ~]#   
[root@sheng ~]# scim -d
Smart Common Input Method 1.4.4

Launching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd…
Loading simple Config module …
Creating backend …
Reading pinyin phrase lib failed
Loading socket FrontEnd module …
Starting SCIM as daemon …
Launching a SCIM process with x11…
Loading socket Config module …
Creating backend …
Loading x11 FrontEnd module …
GTK Panel of SCIM 1.4.4

Starting SCIM as daemon …
SCIM has been successfully launched.
[root@sheng ~]#

 启动正常了,原来刚开始启动不了是因为SCIM已经启动了,才报那个错。可是为什么无法调出输入法呢?打开SCIM配置界面一看,原来我为了在我的WinXP上的XServer上使用SCIM时,避免打开输入法的快捷方式与WinXP的的快捷方式冲突,把启动快捷键改成了 “Shift+Ctrl+Z”,难怪无法调出输入法。

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