Hi everyone.
I am running the ATI hd 2600 pro card and using the ATI propietary driver.
Since I got arch up and running with GNOME and the propietary driver I have been using the command below to use dual screens.
xrandr –output DFP2 –left-of CRT2
The problem is it does not behave the way I am used to with the ATI Big-Desktop that I have used on Ubuntu. (such as when maximizing windows it covers both screens completely or having a seperate application panel for each screen)
So my real problem is that when trying to get ATI Big-Desktop working using this guide I get this error.
[fultonla@archlinux ~]$ sudo aticonfig –desktop-setup=horizontal –sync-vsync=on –add-pairmode=Width0xHeight0+Width1xHeight1
Xlib: extension “Generic Event Extension” missing on display “:0.0”.
Xlib: extension “Generic Event Extension” missing on display “:0.0”.
Xlib: extension “Generic Event Extension” missing on display “:0.0”.
Error: Options, e.g. –dtop and –desktop-setup, are not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!
Xlib: extension “Generic Event Extension” missing on display “:0.0”.
Error: pair mode is not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!
Warning: Option ‘Capabilities’ doesn’t affect running session.
Using /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Saved back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.fglrx-14
What is RandR used for? Is it important? If not how can I disable it?
Any help is appreciated
You have two possibilities: either you use xrandr + radeon or radeonhd driver or you use fglrx + aticonfig. You cannot mix both.
I’m not sure what you mean?
Are you saying I’m not in fact using fglrx with my current configuration?
he means that fglrx doesn’t support xrandr.
Ok I understand that but how do I disable it?
I removed xrandr –output DFP2 –left-of CRT2 from my startup and it nstill gives me that error :S
The following HowTo attempts to enable Dual Monitor support by enabling the Big-Desktop function of the Ati-only binary graphics driver.
System Requirements:
ONE Dual-Output ATI graphics card
Functional Fglrx Driver.
The following guide explains how to install and enable the fglrx driver: https://help.Ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI
Let’s get started!!!
Update: Instead of Manually editing the Xorg file, I’ve decided to attempt to write a HowTo based on the “aticonfig” tool. So, for about a week or so, I need individuals to try out this method and report the outcome. You can continue to post in this thread, or you can send me a private message to report the result. So, here goes nothing!
1. I know you have already saved a back of the xorg.conf file (you did, didn’t you? ).:
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup
2. Next, we want X to be using the fglrx driver, so:
sudo aticonfig –initial –overlay-type=Xv
3. Now that the xorg.conf is fit to be edited, enter the following commands:
sudo aticonfig –desktop-setup=horizontal –sync-vsync=on –add-pairmode=Width0xHeight0+Width1xHeight1
Here’s what each command means:
–desktop-setup=horizontalthis command enables Big-Desktop, and places the two monitors next to each other (left-right orientation). Other arguments that could replace it are:
–desktop-setup=horizontal,reverse <= flips your screens.
–desktop-setup=vertical <=places your monitors in a up-down orientation.
–desktop-setup=vertical,reverse <=flips your screens.
–sync-vsync=onthis command prevents tearing during 3D rendering.
–add-pairmode=Width0xHeight0+Width1xHeight1this command tells X what are the resolutions for Monitor1+Monitor2.
4. Now, you can experiment with your monitors without restarting X. First, you need to see how X identifies your monitors:
sudo aticonfig –query-monitor
Then based on the information provided by the query monitor command, replace STRING in the following command:
sudo aticonfig –enable-monitor=STRING,STRINGThe values of STRING should be one of these:
5. If the enable-monitor command works for you, then you need to add it to the config file:none
sudo aticonfig –force-monitor=STRING,STRING
Again replace STRING with the values given by query-monitor.
5. Now restart X (ctrl+alt+backspace) or reboot your computer.
Note: the –enable-monitor command DOES NOT change your configuration file (xorg.conf). Therefore when you restart X or your computer, it may or may not work.The following is how to manually configure Xorg.conf file. It will soon become obsolete (I just need more input from those who have test the previous method).
1. Open up Xorg.conf using ONE of the following commands:
Gnome (Ubuntu):
gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
KDE (Kubuntu):
kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Xfce4 (Xubuntu):
gksudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Command-Line Based:
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
2. This is about the simplest HowTo, simply copy the following lines to your “Device” Section:
Option “DesktopSetup” “horizontal” #Enable Big Desktop
Option “Mode2” “1280×1024” #Resolution for second monitor
Option “DesktopSetup” “LVDS,AUTO” #the types of monitors that is connected LVDS = LCD, CRT, AUTO
Option “EnablePrivateBackZ” “yes” #Enable 3d support <= May Not Work
Option “HSync2” “65” #This sets the horizontal sync for the secondary display.
Option “VRefresh2” “60” #This sets the refresh rate of the secondary display.
3. Save the file, and kill X (ctrl+alt+backspace), or reboot.
Now dual monitor support should be enabled. If not, then please post your problems.