
Fedora 14 printk() 无法在终端显示



原因1:printk()有一个控制日志级别的字段,如果该字段的日记级别高于console默认的日志级别那么才会打印出来(数值越小日志级别越高,分为从0-7共计8个日志级别)。有一种简单的改变当前终端的日志级别的方法,echo 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk。理论上这样printk就能输出到终端了。但是我的没有。

cat /proc/sys/kernel/printk 

8       4       1       7

              The  four values in this file are console_loglevel, default_mes-
              sage_loglevel,    minimum_console_level     and     default_con-
              sole_loglevel.   These  values  influence printk() behavior when
              printing or logging error messages. See syslog(2) for more  info
              on  the  different  loglevels.   Messages with a higher priority
              than console_loglevel will be printed to the console.   Messages
              without  an  explicit  priority  will  be  printed with priority
              default_message_level.  minimum_console_loglevel is the  minimum
              (highest)   value   to   which   console_loglevel  can  be  set.
              default_console_loglevel  is  the   default   value   for   con-

原因2:syslogd守护进程的规则有问题,/etc/syslog.conf中定义了一些列规则,其中就包含数内核消息的处理规则,Fedora中的syslogd守护进程叫做rsyslogd,相应它的规则配置文件叫rsyslog.conf,其中有一行”#kern.*                /dev/console“它的意思是把所有日志级别的内核log都输出到/dev/console即我们的终端。我们只需要把该行的’#’去掉,重启,理论上那么内核log (printk()输出也是内核log)就会输出到终端了。但是我的没找到大哥所说的文件。




printk () 打出来的东西不是打到 stdout 或者 stderr 上,所以你没法直接看到。

你可以通过 dmesg 来查看。

附 printk() 作用的解释, 取自 linux kernel primer:

One of the most basic kernel messaging systems is the printk() function. The kernel uses printk() as opposed to printf() because the standard C library is not linked to the kernel. printk() uses the same interface as printf() does and displays up to 1,024 characters to the console. The printk() function operates by trying to grab the console semaphore, place the output into the console’s log buffer, and then call the console driver to flush the buffer. If printk() cannot grab the console semaphore, it places the output into the log buffer and relies on the process that has the console semaphore to flush the buffer. The log-buffer lock is taken before printk() places any data into the log buffer, so concurrent calls to printk() do not trample each other. If the console semaphore is being held, numerous calls to printk() can occur before the log buffer is flushed. So, do not rely on printk() statements to indicate any program timing.
printk() 将输出打倒了内核提供的 console buffer 里面,再由这个 console 的驱动将其打印出来。

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