Fedora Utils 是专门在Fedora配置安装的脚本,通过它们,你可以轻易安装那些不在Fedora软件库里面的应用,例如:Adobe Flash, Codecs, Google Earth, Skype, Sun Java等应用,你还可以通过它并调整各种设置。
Fedora Utils
Fedora Utils 功能列表:
- Add current user to sudoers
- Enable autologin for current user
- Set yum to keep cache
- Install yum tidy-cache plugin
- Add repositories – RPMFusion, Google, Adobe, Chromium, Skype
- Enable touchpad clicks
- Install multimedia codecs
- Install Adobe Flash
- Install Java Runtime Environment
- Install wine with gecko
- Install Google Talk plugin
- Add colors and fortune messages to Terminal
- Set SELinux in permissive mode
- Install Microsoft fonts
- Install Jockey driver installer (From Parsidora repo)
- Install essential software
- Fixes: Fix font smoothing, Fix rpmdb error, Fix gnome keyring, Fix picasa not starting, Fix anaconda causing revisor not to start, Fix MPlayer driver error, Fix ntfs-config not starting
- Install Gnome Shell Extensions – GPaste, Media Player, Weather, Alternate Status Menu, Dock Extension, Places Menu, User Theme, Window Navigator, Zeitgeist
- Install Software – Google Chrome, Picasa, Google Earth, HandBrake, Skype, WinFF, Unico Theme Engine
- Clean up system
- Optimize boot by turning off unnecessary services
- Show system info
其他变化还包括:自动更新,系统安装/调整状态,命令行参数的脚本,安装媒体播放器扩展的选项,修复天气扩展的依赖和其他修复 。
Fedora Utils可以进行安装的软件
Fedora Utils 1.7已经支持即将在11月8日发布的Fedora 16。