Zenoss做为一款优秀的开源网管软件不测试是不行的,Zenoss对自己的定义是:Commercial Open Source Application, Systems and Network Monitoring.
环境准备 & 下载
我的系统是openSUSE11,安装在VMWare WorkStation6.5上,分配了400M内存,关掉Xwindows和大部分系统默认的Service。
注意:磁盘空间至少要留出500M,我第一次安装出错,发现磁盘空间满了(当时还有300多M可用)。没想到Open Source的东东也会这么大。
登录Zenoss的网站,下载Zenoss Core 2.3.2 32bit Stack Installer for openSUSE10.3,下载安装的包同时,进入doc,顺手将《Zenoss Installation Guide》和《Getting StartedWith Zenoss》也下载了。
includes all dependencies,原来Zenoss将所有需要的东东都打好包了,现在知道为什么需要这么大磁盘空间了吧,这个bin包有78M。
没有发现for openSUSE11的,不过后来从文档和实际操作来看,Zenoss向上兼容,这个不必担心。
看了Installation Guide,感觉安装异常简单。
# ./zenoss-stack-2.3.2-linux.bin
Welcome to the Zenoss Setup Wizard.
Created with an evaluation version of BitRock InstallBuilder
Installation folder
Please, choose a folder to install Zenoss
Select a folder [/usr/local/zenoss]: /disk/zenoss//如果你的/usr空间足够,不必修改
MySQL Credentials
Please enter your database root user password
MySQL Server root password : //这里输入zenoss新建mysql的root密码,并不是你系统上原有的。
Re-enter password :
Setup is now ready to begin installing Zenoss on your computer.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y
Please wait while Setup installs Zenoss on your computer.
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
######################################### //我的老爷机,这里差不多花了5分钟
Setup has finished installing Zenoss on your computer.
Launch Zenoss [Y/n]: Y //这里等的时间也够长的
Info: To access the Zenoss Application, go to [url]http://localhost:8080[/url] from your
Press [Enter] to continue :
opensuse:/disk/zenoss # du -sk *|sort -n
1 zenconsole
3 scripts
20 ctlscript.sh
170 licenses
2303 uninstall
74120 Python
81472 zenoss
92623 common
127625 mysql
opensuse:/disk/zenoss/mysql/bin # ./mysql -P3307 -uroot -pxxxxxx
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 19
Server version: 5.0.45 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the buffer.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| events |
| mysql |
| test |
mysql> use events
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_events |
| alert_state |
| detail |
| heartbeat |
| history |
| log |
| status |
什么叫商业化的open source,大家有所体会了吧,这种傻瓜式的安装几乎可以等同于Windows了。
Zenoss的收费版本有Professional和Enterprise,网站里有三个版本的对比 ,呵呵,好东西还是要花银子的,不知道Zenoss现在有没有来自中国的客户?
Zenoss Core 2.3.2在openSUSE 11上的安装说明
转载请注明出处:服务器评测 » Zenoss Core 2.3.2在openSUSE 11上的安装说明
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