VMware 提示
VMware Workstation Error:
Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such device.
Please make sure that the kernel module `vmmon’ is loaded.
Press “Enter” to continue…
一 . 请确认你的vmmon模块已经加载,你可以在终端里运行ntsysv,将vmware服务选上,重起一下;或,直接在终端里运行这个命令:
/etc/init.d/vmware start
[root@localhost www.linuxidc.com]# /etc/init.d/vmware start
Starting VMware services:
Virtual machine monitor [确定]
Virtual machine communication interface [确定]
Blocking file system [确定]
Virtual ethernet [确定]
Shared Memory Available [确定]
[root@localhost www.linuxidc.com]#
二 . 请重新运行vmware-config.pl,让它重新编译vmmon等模块
Linux中VMware启动报错:could not open /dev/ vmmon:no such file or directory
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