
升级OpenERP 6.0.x 的数据库到OpenERP 6.1

I’m in the process of doing a test-migration of a 6.0.2 database across to 6.1rc1. I’m a complete newcomer to OpenERP, having only started developing on it about a fortnight ago, so this is something of a baptism of fire.

What follows are some notes that got something up and running on my local instance so I could explore OpenERP 6.1. It may or may not work for you, and of course, there is no warranty whatsoever.

1. Fix up the ‘serioalization_field_id’ KeyError bug:

   ALTER TABLE ir_model_fields ADD column serialization_field_id int references ir_model_fields on delete cascade;


Ubuntu 10.04中源代码安装OpenERP-web 6.0.3及常见Bug解决 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-02/54543.htm

OpenERP实战手册:界面中文化 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-02/54541.htm


2. Drop some modules temporarily:

You might find you get duplicate certificate errors out of SQL; these were the specific offenders I came across, your list may be different. I am not certain that deleting them is the right answer here, but it at least gets past the blockage.

   DELETE FROM ir_module_module WHERE certificate=’00899858104035139949′;
   DELETE FROM ir_module_module WHERE certificate=’001056784984222247309′;
   DELETE FROM ir_module_module WHERE certificate=’001278773815818292125′;

3. Add new columns to ir_module_module:

   ALTER TABLE ir_module_module ADD COLUMN “sequence” integer;
   ALTER TABLE ir_module_module ALTER COLUMN “sequence” SET DEFAULT 100;
   ALTER TABLE ir_module_module ADD COLUMN complexity character varying(32);
   ALTER TABLE ir_module_module ADD COLUMN icon character varying(128);
   ALTER TABLE ir_module_module ADD COLUMN application boolean;
   ALTER TABLE ir_module_module ALTER COLUMN application SET DEFAULT false;

4. Add new columns to res_company:

These I think are part of account_voucher, but I found I could not do anything until I manually added them.

   ALTER TABLE res_company ADD COLUMN expense_currency_exchange_account_id integer;
   COMMENT ON COLUMN res_company.expense_currency_exchange_account_id IS ‘Expense Currency Rate’;
   ALTER TABLE res_company ADD COLUMN income_currency_exchange_account_id integer;
   COMMENT ON COLUMN res_company.income_currency_exchange_account_id IS ‘Income Currency Rate’;

5. Update all modules

   openerp-server –db_host=localhost –log-level=debug -r openerp -d development –update=all

Finger’s crossed, you should at least be able to log in and do things. I find that much of the data survived, and now it’s a matter of getting views and custom modules going.

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