
Android Studio 使用技巧

下面就简单的介绍下Android Studio的几个快捷键的使用:

NO.1  Ctrl+N    可以快速的查找你需要打开的类,当你输入类名的时候具有自动补全功能!

To open any class in the editor quickly, press Ctrl+N (Navigate | Class) and start typing the name of the class. Choose the class from a drop-down list that appears.

You can open any file in your project in a similar way by using Ctrl+Shift+N (Navigate | File)

NO.2  Ctrl+Space    自动补全功能 ,相当于eclipse中的Ctrl+/

The Code Completion feature lets you quickly complete different kinds of statements in the code. For example, start typing a class name and press Ctrl+Space to complete it. When multiple choices are available, they are shown in the lookup list.

NO.3  Ctrl+Q    快速的查看的 类,函数的 文档问信息描述

To quickly see the documentation for the class or method used at the editor’s caret, press Ctrl+Q (View | Quick Documentation).

NO.4  Ctrl+B 导航显示相关关联信息。可以按住Ctrl 点击方法进入到实现类方法中

To navigate to the declaration of a class, method or variable used somewhere in the code, position the caret at the usage and pressCtrl+B. You may also click the mouse on usages with theCtrl key pressed to jump to declarations.

Ctrl+D 备份选中行的信息(Xcode 中始终没找到。有哪个大神知道给我留言万分感谢)

Ctrl+D in the editor duplicates the selected block or the current line when no block is selected.

相关阅读:Android Studio 下载地址【包括国内本地下载】http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-05/84408.htm

Android Studio 快捷键使用

工程快速修复 ALT + ENTER
 格式化化代码 CTRL + ALT + L (Win)
 OPTION + CMD + L (Mac)

查看选中API信息  CTRL + Q (Win)
 F1 (Mac)

选中方法查看参数信息 CTRL + P
 普通方法 ALT + Insert (Win)
 CMD + N (Mac)

进入源代码  F4 (Win)
 CMD + down-arrow (Mac)

删除整行代码 CTRL + Y (Win)
 CMD + Backspace (Mac)

查找信息  CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + N (Win)
 OPTION + CMD + O (Mac)

构建项目 CTRL + F9 (Win)
 CMD + F9 (Mac)

构建项目并运行 SHIFT + F10 (Win)
 CTRL + R (Mac)

断点显示 ALT + 1 (Win)
 CMD + 1 (Mac)

显示隐藏导航栏 ALT + left-arrow; ALT + right-arrow (Win)
 CTRL + left-arrow; CTRL + right-arrow (Mac)


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