

接着  将ArchLinux安装到U盘上 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-04/99749.htm

# 1、关闭PC小喇叭
 # vim /etc/modprobe.d/nopcspkr.conf
 blacklist pcspkr
# 2.1、创建用户:
 useradd -m -g users -s /bin/bash sunny
 # 2.1.1 locale
 vim /etc/locale.gen
    + en_US.UTF-8 UTf-8
    + zh_CN.GBK GBK
    + zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8
    + zh_CN GB2312
# 2.2、安装 X:
 pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-utils xorg-server-utils mesa
# 2.3、显卡驱动
 pacman -S xf86-video-vesa        # 通用显卡驱动,不提供任何2D和3D加速功能
 pacman -S xf86-video-intel        # Intel
 pacman -S xf86-video-nouveau    # Nvidia
 pacman -S nouveau-dri
 # pacman -S xf86-video-ati        # Ati
 # 虚拟机: pcaman -S xf86-video-vesa
# 2.4、笔记本触摸板支持
 pacman -S xf86-input-synaptics
# 2.5、测试X工作是否正常
 pacman -S xorg-twm xorg-xclock xterm
# 2.6、现在可以用startx启动X看到简陋的图形界面.
# 3、安装桌面(xfce4 kde lxde gnome):
 # pacman -S gnome # gnome-session
 pacman -S kde # kde
 cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc $HOME/.xinitrc
 vim .xinitrc
    # + xrandr -s 1366×768 # 制定屏幕分辨率
    + exec startkde # kde
    # + exec gnome-session # gnome
# 4、安装fcitx输入法
 pcaman -S fcitx
pcaman -S kcm-fcitx # For kde
pacman -S fcitx-googlepinyin # Google拼音
 # 配置中文输入法:
 # 在Input Method -> 去掉Only Show Currentt Language勾 -> 搜索Chinese -> Google Pinyin
 #    在$HOME/.xinitrc里添加:
 vim $HOME/.xinitrc
    + export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
    + export QT_IM_IMDULE=fcitx
    + export XMODIFIERS=”@im=fcitx”
# 5、KDM: KDE Display Manager : pacman -S kdm
 #    GDM: pacman -s gdm
# 6.Firefox  flashplugin
 pacman -S firefox flashplugin
# 7. yaourt
 vim /etc/pacman.conf
    + [archlinuxfr]
    + SigLevel = Never
    + Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/$arch
pacman -S yaourt
# 7.1 aur: google-chrome
 pacman -S google-chrome
# 8.Some softwares
 pacman -S openssh    # sshd
 pacman -S git        # git
 pacman -S subversion
 pacman -S wget        # wget
 pacman -S net-tools    # ifconfig
 pacman -S dnsutils    # nslookup
# 9.njit-client
 mkdir build && cd build
 wget https://github.com/linzsummer/njit8021xclient_for_swufe/archive/master.zip
 unzip master.zip
 pacman -S automake autoconf libpcap pkg-config
 # pacman -S  libssl
 make install
 cd .. && rm -rf build
# 10. wps: becauselibreoffice is too large, so instead of wps
 vim /etc/pacman.conf
    + [multilib]
    + SigLevel = PackageRequired
    + Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
 pacman -Syu    # renew database (Repository multilib)
 yaourt -S kingsoft-office
# 11. gnome shortcuts
 Super+(pg up)/(pg dn)    # exchange screen
# 12. Find the real path of the Command
 # type [Command]
 type firefox
# 13. clean pacman cache
 pacman -Scc
 pacman -S -l # list pacman install packages
# 14.Static IP Address
 cd /etc/netctl
 cp examples/ethernet-static my-network
 # Then edit the profile as needed
 vim my-network
 # Next, Start Netctl
 netctl enable my-network
 netctl start my-network

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