
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit安装GNS3 1.3.7

在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit安装GNS3 1.3.7过程,全英文。

Updated for GNS3 version 1.3.7

Please NOTE: This document has been updated for GNS3 1.3.7 and is no longer applicable to earlier versions of GNS3.

GNS3 runs great on Ubuntu, and it’s easy to install. This quick tutorial provides the steps to install GNS3, with IOU support, on Ubuntu LTS 64-bit. When finished, you’ll still have to install an IOU license file (for IOU support), IOU image files, and IOS image files; GNS3 does not provide any of those files, so you’ll have to acquire them on your own.

— GNS3 is installed from a Terminal command line —

# – After opening a terminal, I recommend changing to your user directory.

$ cd ~

# – Run apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get  update

# – Install GNS3 Python dependencies

$ sudo apt‐get install python3‐setuptools

$ sudo apt‐get install python3‐pyqt4

$ sudo apt‐get install python3‐ws4py

$ sudo apt‐get install python3‐netifaces

#- Install Dynmips dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install cmake

$ sudo apt‐get install libelf‐dev

$ sudo apt‐get install uuid‐dev

$ sudo apt‐get install libpcap‐dev

# – Download and unzip GNS3 Linux source files (Download )

$ unzip GNS3-1.3.7-source.zip

        dynamips-0.2.14.zip  gns3-server-1.3.7.zip  vpcs-0.6.zip

          gns3-gui-1.3.7.zip  iouyap-0.95.zip

# – Build and Install Dynamips

$ unzip dynamips-0.2.14.zip

$ cd  dynamips-0.2.14

$ mkdir build

$ cd build

$ cmake ..

$ make

$ sudo make install

$ sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=ep /usr/local/bin/dynamips

$ cd ../..

# – Install GNS3 Server

$ unzip gns3-server-1.3.7.zip

$ cd gns3-server-1.3.7

$ sudo python3 setup.py install

$ cd ..

# – Install GNS3 GUI

$ unzip gns3-gui-1.3.7.zip

$ cd gns3-gui-1.3.7

$ sudo python3 setup.py install

$ cd ..

# – Install IOU dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0:i386

$ sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 /lib/libcrypto.so.4

$ sudo apt-get install bison

$ sudo apt-get install flex

$ sudo apt-get install git

$ git clone http://github.com/ndevilla/iniparser.git

$ cd iniparser

$ make

$ sudo cp libiniparser.* /usr/lib/

$ sudo cp src/iniparser.h /usr/local/include

$ sudo cp src/dictionary.h /usr/local/include

$ cd ..

# – Install GNS3 IOUYAP app (provides network support for IOU)

$ unzip iouyap-0.95.zip

$ cd iouyap-0.95

$ sudo make install

$ sudo cp iouyap /usr/local/bin

$ cd ..

# – Install VPCS

$ unzip vpcs-0.6.zip

$ cd vpcs-0.6/src

$ ./mk.sh

$ sudo cp vpcs /usr/local/bin/

$ cd ../..

# – Install VirtualBox

$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox

# – Install Wireshark

$ sudo apt-get install wireshark

# – Install QEMU – method 1

$ sudo apt-get install qemu

# – Install QEMU – method 2 (x86 arch. only)

$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-x86

$ sudo apt-get install qemu-utils

# – Install cpulimit

$ sudo apt-get install cpulimit

Add your IOU License file, IOU/IOS images, and you’re ready to create  projects, so launch GNS3 and get started!

# – Start GNS3

$ gns3

That’s it. Have fun!

更多Ubuntu相关信息见Ubuntu 专题页面 http://www.linuxidc.com/topicnews.aspx?tid=2


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