
Ubuntu 15.10 下安装 Ubuntu Make

在Ubuntu 15.10 下安装 Ubuntu Make。

Ubuntu Make 前身是 Ubuntu Developer Tools Center。可在 Ubuntu 平台上快速安装各种语言的开发环境。

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make

Ubuntu 15.10 下安装 Ubuntu Make

sudo apt-get update

Ubuntu 15.10 下安装 Ubuntu Make

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make

Ubuntu 15.10 下安装 Ubuntu Make

linuxidc@linuxidc:~$ umake –help

Ubuntu 15.10 下安装 Ubuntu Make

usage: umake [–help] [-v] [-r] [–version]
            {ide,games,dart,Android,web,rust,go,scala} …

在 Ubuntu 上轻松部署和设置开发环境

positional arguments:
                        Developer environment
    ide                Generic IDEs
    games              Games Development Environment
    dart                Dartlang Development Environment
    android            Android 开发环境
    web                Web Developer Environment
    rust                Rust language
    go                  Go language
    scala              The Scala Programming Language

optional arguments:
  –help                显示本帮助
  -v, –verbose        提升输出的级别 (2级)
  -r, –remove          如已安装指定框架,请卸载
  –version            Print version and exit

Note that you can also configure different debug logging behavior using
LOG_CFG that points to a log yaml profile.
* 命令 ‘ide’:
usage: umake ide [-h]

positional arguments:
                        PyCharm Educational Edition
    arduino            The Arduino Software Distribution
                        PyCharm Professional Edition
    rubymine            Ruby on Rails IDE
    idea-ultimate      IntelliJ IDEA
    eclipse-php        Eclipse PHP IDE
    phpstorm            PHP and web development IDE
    pycharm            PyCharm Community Edition
    idea                IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
    eclipse-cpp        Eclipse C/C++ IDE
    netbeans            Netbeans IDE
    webstorm            Complex client-side and server-side javascript IDE
    visual-studio-code  Visual Studio focused on modern web and cloud
    eclipse            Eclipse Java IDE

optional arguments:
  -h, –help            show this help message and exit

* 命令 ‘games’:
usage: umake games [-h] {twine,stencyl} …

positional arguments:
    twine          Twine tool for creating interactive and nonlinear stories
    stencyl        Stencyl game developer IDE

optional arguments:
  -h, –help      show this help message and exit

* 命令 ‘dart’:
usage: umake dart [-h] {dart-sdk} …

positional arguments:
    dart-sdk  Dart SDK (default)

optional arguments:
  -h, –help  show this help message and exit

* 命令 ‘android’:
usage: umake android [-h] {android-ndk,android-studio,android-sdk} …

positional arguments:
    android-ndk        Android NDK
    android-studio      Android Studio (default)
    android-sdk        Android SDK

optional arguments:
  -h, –help            show this help message and exit

* 命令 ‘web’:
usage: umake web [-h] {firefox-dev,visual-studio-code} …

positional arguments:
    firefox-dev        Firefox Developer Edition
    visual-studio-code  Visual Studio focused on modern web and cloud

optional arguments:
  -h, –help            show this help message and exit

* 命令 ‘rust’:
usage: umake rust [-h] {rust-lang} …

positional arguments:
    rust-lang  The official Rust distribution

optional arguments:
  -h, –help  show this help message and exit

* 命令 ‘go’:
usage: umake go [-h] {go-lang} …

positional arguments:
    go-lang  Google compiler (default)

optional arguments:
  -h, –help  show this help message and exit

* 命令 ‘scala’:
usage: umake scala [-h] {scala-lang} …

positional arguments:
    scala-lang  Scala compiler and interpreter (default)

optional arguments:
  -h, –help    show this help message and exit


Ubuntu 15.04下体验其中的开发者神器Ubuntu Make  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-04/116735.htm

Ubuntu Make新版上线:支持安装Swift编程语言  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-01/127986.htm

更多Ubuntu相关信息见Ubuntu 专题页面 http://www.linuxidc.com/topicnews.aspx?tid=2


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