
Ubuntu 16.04 安装韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6

韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6本周已经发布下载,为稳定版1.12.x系列维护版本,正因为如此,它提供了bug修复和本系列以前的版本中其他改进的分类。特别是该版本包含一个重要修复以及长期存在的UI和地形的图形问题的一些修正

《韦诺之战》(The Battle For Wesnoth)是一款开放源代码、跨平台的回合制策略游戏。

Ubuntu 16.04 安装韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6




韦诺之战Battle For Wesnoth 1.12.6 更新日志


  • Legend of Wesmere:
    • Fixed recruit lists for AI sides in MP mode.
    • Made it so the campaign displays an error and aborts when started with Shuffle Sides enabled in MP mode.


  • Updated translations: British English, Galician, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, RACV, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish


  • Fixed glitches of river ford transitions.


  • GUI1 comboboxes now use the thinner menu frame style.
  • Fixed minimap buttons appearing without contents or in the wrong state when the game window is resized, when using debug commands to toggle fog and/or shroud, and probably a lot of other occurrences that are now covered by a proper fix on top of the quick hacks shipped with versions 1.11.16 and 1.12.3.
  • Fixed MP lobby games list coming up empty when Invert is checked while Apply Filter is not
  • Fixed Observers icon appearing behind other top bar items in MP games on horizontal UI resolutions < 1024
  • Fixed ToD schedule progress indicator appearing behind other top bar items on vertical UI resolutions < 600.


  • Revert all updates to hot-key handling which broke letter-based short-cuts on non-US keyboard layouts, where characters are in different key locations
  • Fix the move-to-targets candidate action of the default AI ignoring tunnels
  • Fix two rare bugs in the goto candidate action that resulted in goto moves by other units being skipped after a unit could not get to its goal.
  • Fixed possible assertion failures in multiplayer.
  • Fixed false positive OOS messages in replay when replaying games from an older Wesnoth version.
  • Fixed saving the game during a replay creating corrupt saves
  • Fixed unit test compilation against Boost 1.60 and later

 Ubuntu 16.04 安装韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vincent-c/wesnoth

Ubuntu 16.04 安装韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wesnoth

Ubuntu 16.04 安装韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6

看看Ubuntu 16.04 安装韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6后的一些截图:

Ubuntu 16.04 安装韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6

Ubuntu 16.04 安装韦诺之战 Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.6

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