
Ubuntu 系统安装 Krita 3.0 RC1

Krita 3.0 RC1已释出下载,这是Krita候选版第一个版本,其中包括动画制作工具即时预览,并配有QT5支持!今天发布候选beta版提供了许多修正和改进最大的新功能是对动画支持。

Ubuntu 系统安装 Krita 3.0 RC1

Krita 3.0 RC1 亮点

  • Shortcuts now also work if the cursor is not hovering over the canvas
  • Translations are more complete
  • The export to PDF dialog shows the page preview
  • The advanced color selector is faster
  • The vector gradient tool performs petter
  • Fill layers are saved and loaded correctly
  • Improvements to Instant Preview
  • Fix crashes when setting font properties in the text tool.
  • Fix handling the mirror axis handle
  • Use OpenMP in G’Mic on Windows and Linux, which makes most filters much faster
  • Fixes to the file dialog
  • The Spriter export plugin was rewritten
  • Fix a number of crashes
  • Fix the scaling of the toolbox icons
  • Add new icons for the pan and zoom tools
  • Make it possible to enable HiDPI mode by setting the environment variable KRITA_HIDPI to ON.
  • Fix the fade, distance and time sensors in the brush editor
  • Make it possible to open color palettes again
  • Add a shortcut for toggling onion skinning
  • Fix loading of the onion skin button states
  • Add a lock for the brush drawing angle
  • Handle positioning popups and dialogs on multi-monitor setups correctly

Ubuntu 16.04 及衍生版安装 Krita 3.0 RC1

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Ubuntu 系统安装 Krita 3.0 RC1


Ubuntu 系统安装 Krita 3.0 RC1

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS正式发布下载,长达5年技术支持  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-04/130508.htm

Ubuntu 16.04 U盘安装图文教程 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-04/130520.htm

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS安装好需要设置的15件事 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-04/130519.htm

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 今日发布 Canonical公布系统新特性 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-04/130466.htm

将Ubuntu 15.10升级到Ubuntu 16.04  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-03/129158.htm

Ubuntu 16.04安装Lua游戏引擎Love http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-03/129108.htm

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS如何使用Snap软件包 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-04/130679.htm

Ubuntu 16.04 需要你的帮助,让 GNOME Software 更美观 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-03/129237.htm

更多Ubuntu相关信息见Ubuntu 专题页面 http://www.linuxidc.com/topicnews.aspx?tid=2


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